
The Show: A one-man mythopoetic romp through the “Space Race” and the “spin” of its exponents. Sympathetically making fun of that eternal quest for an absolute scientific mastery of the universe. The shows literary influences were drawn from sources as diverse as James Joyce’s “Ulysses” and 1950’s era Boys Space Adventure books.

The Process : The show consisted of a series of rapid jump-cuts in charachter and voice; reinforced with hundreds of audio-visual cues and lighting states. It was developed in two stages and technically honed it so that it could be all operated by one person. Due to technical limitations, some of the finer points of timing were lacking in the second version, whilst the actual audio-visual content was greatly improved.

Considerations : My challenge was to create content that could be delivered in such a way that its duration and internal timings were malleable in relation to the performance. Also a balance has to be made between being visually engaging, without distracting from an already demanding text. During the course of the development,  some sequences needed to be scrapped or simplified.

Written and Performed – John Paul Hussey
Audio – Kelly Ryall
Lighting – Shane Grant